Module cohort course for Work-Based Project 2 (POLM896DA_B23_3_202324) and parent for POLM896DA_B23_1_202425
Module cohort course for Systemic Intervention (POLM894DA_B_3_202324)
Module cohort course for Work-Based Project 2 (POLM896DA_DA_3_202324) and parent for POLM896DA_DA_1_202425
Module cohort course for Work-Based Project 1 (POLM895DA_1OS23_3_202324)
Module cohort course for Organisational Viability and Sustainability (POLM892DA_1OS23_2_202324)
Module cohort course for Systemic Intervention (POLM894DA_DA_3_202324)
Module cohort course for Equality, Diversity and Leadership (POLM893DA_DA_2_202324)
Module cohort course for End Point Assessment (POLM886DA_DAJ22_23_202324)
Module cohort course for Introduction to Systems Thinking (POLM891DA_1OS23_1_202324)